I am a lecturer for this class. This class an introducing to students without CS backgrounds to programming in Python, C, and C++ through production-related projects such as scripting in Maya, and GUI development using Qt5 and PyQt5.
DPA6000 Tech Foundations I
DPA6010 Tech Foundations II
I am a lecturer for this class. This class is the second the Tecnical Foundation class for the students without CS backgrouns. I mainly covered object-oriented programming in C++ and Python in class. Students will experience C++ development for the industry-standard game engine Unreal Engine 4; Introduction to computer graphics API (e.g. OpenGL, OpenCV)
DPA6000 Tech Foundations I
I am a teaching assistant for this class. This class an introducing to students without CS backgrounds to programming in Python, C, and C++ through production-related projects such as scripting in Maya, and GUI development using Qt5 and PyQt5. The other major job is helping myself prepare lectures for this class and I will be the class lecturer in a shot future.
Outstanding Graduate Teaching Assistant Award
I was recongnized as the School of Computing Outsanding Graduate Teaching Assistant award on the 10th day of April 2020. I was nominated by my previouse TA instructor Prof. Roger Van Scoy, Dr. Wayne Goddard, and Dr. Yu-Shan Sun. [Certificate]
CPSC1010 Computer Science I
I have been a teaching assitant for CPSC1011 Computer Science at School of Computing, Clemson University for long time. The course is about introduction to C programming. I am the lead TA for this class. My major role is running the lab, grading, substituting lectures for my supervisor, and answering questions from students. I am also working on helping the class lecturer and professor cooperate with students and give feedback from students to professor. My class lecturer and professor is Dr. Yu-Shan Sun and Prof. Roger Van Scoy.
CPSC2120 Algorithms and Data Structures
I was the TA for CPSC2120 Algorithms and Data Structures at School of Computing, Clemson University for two semesters. My major role was running the lab, grading, and answering questions from students. My class lecturers and professors were Dr. Brian Dean and Dr. Wayne Goddard.